Burnaby diabetes doctor, Maria Fabbro N.D. specializes in a comprehensive naturopathic medicine approach to diabetes management that looks at the underlying causes of the disease and works to restore balance in the body.

Are you living with diabetes and feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone—countless Burnaby men and women face the same struggles. Maria Fabbro, N.D. at Total Therapy specializes in naturopathic medicine to help manage diabetes and works with you to find lasting solutions that go beyond just treating your symptoms. Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body is unable to regulate glucose levels, leading to hyperglycemia and serious health problems without proper treatment. Dr. Fabbro takes a holistic, naturopathic medicine approach to diabetes, considering all aspects of your health, lifestyle and environment. With this integrative approach, Dr. Fabbro can help to identify the root cause of your diabetes, leading to sustainable and long-lasting reversal.

Rather than waiting for diabetes to worsen, Maria Fabbro, N.D. at Total Therapy encourages Burnaby patients to take control of their own health. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional “wait and see” treatments for diabetes, Dr. Fabbro can help create a personalized plan for reversing your diabetes and regaining control of your health.

Take the first step towards a healthier life today by calling (236) 259-0266 today to schedule a diabetes consultation with Burnaby naturopathic medicine expert, Maria Fabbro N.D.!

Symptoms of Diabetes

The symptoms of diabetes vary depending on the type and severity of the condition, however Maria Fabbro, N.D. at Total Therapy utilizes a naturopathic medicine approach to not just manage the symptoms, but to work with patients in and around Burnaby to reverse the disease.

Weight loss is a common symptom of diabetes, and it can be difficult to manage. It often starts with small changes in appetite and energy levels, and then progresses to more extreme weight loss that may require medical intervention. The psychological impact can be enormous, as the individual is forced to confront their own mortality while struggling to maintain a sense of control. For individuals with diabetes, weight loss should never be overlooked.

Increased thirst can be an indication of diabetes, as the body is attempting to expel the excess sugar present in the blood. This is often accompanied by frequent urination because the kidneys are attempting to filter and remove the extra sugar from the body. These symptoms may appear suddenly or gradually, and it is important to seek medical advice if they are experienced.

One of the common symptoms of diabetes is persistent fatigue. This often occurs when there is an imbalance in glucose levels caused by either too much or too little insulin being produced in the body. When people with diabetes experience fatigue, they may find themselves feeling tired more quickly than normal and lacking energy throughout the day. In some cases, they may not even be able to complete their daily tasks or interact from feeling exhausted all the time.

Diabetes can cause the immune system to become weakened, making it difficult to fight off bacteria and illness. This can be particularly concerning for diabetics who are already at greater risk of experiencing serious complications if they do get ill or infected. Even if a diabetic is healthy and active, if the immune system is not functioning properly, they may experience a longer recovery time when they do become sick compared to someone without diabetes.

Diabetes can cause frequent hunger and cravings due to changes in blood sugar levels. It is important for those managing diabetes to have access to healthy meals and snacks throughout the day, and to limit intake of sugary or starchy foods. Eating smaller meals more frequently may also help reduce extreme hunger and control blood sugar levels.

Urinary distress is a common symptom of diabetes that can cause both physical and mental challenges. Those who suffer from it may experience frequent, urgent urination as well as pain and burning during urination. Additionally, patients may find that they are unable to empty their bladder fully, or even experience complete urinary blockage.

Blurred vision is a common symptom of diabetes, caused by the accumulation of high blood sugar levels over time. It can cause a person’s vision to become dull and unfocused, making it difficult to see detail or even recognize objects. This condition is often accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and double vision.

Skin problems are a common symptom of diabetes, and can be caused by both the metabolic effects of the condition or the side effects of medications prescribed to manage it. Symptoms may include dry skin, itching, flaky patches, and dark lesions around the knuckles and elbows. While there may be some relief from topical treatments, the best approach is often to better manage the diabetes itself.

The sensation of numbness in the limbs is one of the more common symptoms of diabetes. It is often described as a tingling, burning, or even aching feeling that can range from mild to severely painful. The most common areas affected are the feet and legs, but the arms, hands, and fingers can also be affected. This numbness can be caused by damage to the small blood vessels due to elevated glucose levels, resulting in a lack of necessary blood-flow to the affected area.

Vancouver Diabetes Treatment

Discover the Possibilities of Diabetes Reversal

Call (236) 259-0266 to speak with Burnaby diabetes expert, Maria Fabbro N.D. and schedule a consultation today!

Maria Fabbro N.D., Vancouver

Personalized Anti-Aging Naturopathic Solutions

Maria Fabbro, N.D. at Total Therapy recognizes that true health extends beyond the absence of disease. At the heart of her practice, Dr. Fabbro embraces the power of naturopathic medicine, offering a unique and synergistic approach to health and wellness in Greater Vancouver. With a deep understanding of the holistic nature of the human body, Dr. Fabbro skillfully combines the healing powers of naturopathic care, bioidentical hormone therapy, IV therapy, advanced diagnostic testing, and more to support and enhance each Burnaby patient’s journey toward optimal health and well-being.

Services Offered by Maria Fabbro, N.D. at Total Therapy: